The fabulous Ark Motel in all it's splendor
Here's some cute graffiti I found on the outside of the Ark. No thanks, I'm good...
The Ark gets it's name from the replica of Noah's Ark out front. The giraffe seems to be giving me a look of, "Haha, if you only knew what you were in for!"
This is my boss.
First order of business, haul all the rail features out of the field, get them out of the rain, strip off all the winter crap that has accumulated along with the paint from last summer and get them repaired and repainted
Luckily we've got B.O.B. (Building out Back), home of Windell's indoor skatepark to get out of the rain and clean up the rails
Boss man, head digger Jason Legge leading by example, grinding rails, but not in the way you would normally think. Note the OSHA approved particle mask....
Jamie Weller and his skate crew have been hard at work too pouring concrete for some awesome new skate features. Nice work homies
Our first night in the Ark, with a few cold ones of course. Young Max aka "Roy" was easily talked into shaving a mohawk
Looking really good there Roy...
Man of many talents, Jason Legge. Double-blind thumb trick shotguns. Nice steez
The Grinch found a good place to hide while we wild out
Legge again, boredom at the Ark leads to Travis Pastrana emulation
Z Siebs finally showed up, after all the work was done, and pounded out this rainy twilight boardslide right out the front door of the Ark
See you next time....