Siebs says Hi from the top of the Paradise lift, paradise indeed
Siebs and Pashley survey the situation, it's nice to have high friends in places....
Just posting up, smelling 2-stroke fumes where a liftie would normally check your ticket
Built this kick to get over a huge tree stump, think there's enough boost on it? Haha!
All that boost was needed to get over this crotch slasher
Hey! Check my moody ass art!
Legge and Siebs wait for Pash to bring the powder snow skate up, let the shit show begin!
More art steez fool, it ain't all fun and games
So pretty. Untracked lift line runs for the snow skate
Thanks Pash, yes, I would love a drag of that tobacco cigarette...
Pash crashed here....
....and here. Yeah, I know, forgot how to rotate my vert images, whatever. Pash was on a Big Mountain snow skate mission, notice the 4 back flip crash marks? Hahaha!
Jeep commercial? Epic day....again
Thanks Pow Mow, you truly are the coolest resort in UT
Siebs with a dope stale fish, Pashley's shots form this are incredible
Siebs again with a smooth natty front 360
Siebs boosting over the stump and almost landing on me
So I've got tons of hilarious powder snow skate footy but the files are all kinda big. Here's a taste for ya, Pashley eating donuts before he decided to go Big Mountain on us. Check out Puff Puff Pass Productions upcoming video for all the rest